About Us
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The Association For The Improvement Of Minorities in the Internal Revenue Service (AIM-IRS) was founded in October 1969 because of barriers and impediments placed on minority employees seeking career advancement. Black employees from the cities of Washington D. C., Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Newark convened in Atlantic City, New Jersey, to discuss Equal Employment Opportunities. From that initial meeting, a second seminar was planned for the following Spring. The seminar was organized and those instrumental in formulating the first conference were Wyatt Trent, Thomas Boyd, and Raymond Knight. Regional Commissioner, Dean Barron, also showed an interest in the organization by attending the conference and sharing his ideas on EEO objectives. AIM-IRS has been responsible for initiating classes to develop the career and educational needs of minorities. AIM-IRS has sponsored classes on how to pass the Federal Entrance Examination and the Pace Test; classes in Tax Research. We currently(2013) have 46 chapters in 32 states with over 2000 members nationally..
The purpose of the Association for the Improvement of Minorities is to educate and develop our members to their fullest career and personal potential and instill in them the highest degree of confidence in their abilities; in a manner that is free from negative influence and discriminatory policies and practices. To achieve that purpose, we will:
A. Educate and Counsel our members as to opportunities for career and personal advancement;
B. Foster Equal Employment Opportunity;
C. Provide a Self-Help Network to further the general welfare of our members;
D. Promote local and community-wide services that assist individuals seeking career and educational support;
E. Cooperate with all government agencies and other organizations in taking lawful actions to ensure the removal of discriminatory policies and practices.